The LKM members involved in the Ferrite.jl development, namely Maximilian Köhler, Abdulaziz Mohamed and Dennis Ogiermann, have given talks on this years FerriteCon at Chalmers University of Technology in Götheborg. Their presentations cover latest development updates on adaptive mesh refinement, local time stepping and efficient solver technology.
This year, the LKM was again represented at the CIM2 Symposium with a presentation by Dennis Ogiermann. He shared findings from simulation models on the effects of residual stresses in the left ventricle. The Thunderbolt.jl software framework developed at the chair was used for the studies.
Dennis Ogiermann has been selected to give a presentation about a novel Piezo1 ion channel model at the Cardiac Physiome Workshop 2024 in Freiburg.
Tunnelboring machines wear out during underground operations. Dr. Dennis Wingender examined what this wear looks like and how it can be prevented in his dissertation. For this, he was awarded this year's Gebrüder-Eickhoff Prize.
Last week, Daniel Balzani and Sergey Kozinov presented the Chair of Continuum Mechanics at the ECCOMAS 2024 conference in Lisbon, Portugal. The 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Science and Engineering took place from June 3-7 and brought together scientists and engineers from all over the world.
On April 22nd, Niklas Miska successfully defended his doctoral thesis titled "Analysis and Design of Sheet Metal Structures under the Influence of Polymorphic Uncertainties".
The chair of continuum mechanics participated in the annual meeting of the association of applied mathematics and mechanics (GAMM'24, Magdeburg)